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Permanent Exhibition SOSHANA

Gallery Lendnine

Lendkai 9
8020 Graz




Special Exhibition InformELLEs Women Artists and Art Informel in the 1950s/60s

Exhibitiondates: 21.02.2025-22.06.2025


Kunsthalle Schweinfurt
Rüfferstraße 4
97421 Schweinfurt


Exhibition Stadt der Frau

Vernissage: 03.03.2025 at 7pm

The exhibition is expected to be on display until May.

Kunstsalon 23
Liesinger Platz 3
1230 Wien



Special Exhibition InformELLEs Women Artists and Art Informel in the 1950s/60s

Exhibitiondates: 11.10.2024-26.01.2025

Hessen Kassel Heritage
Neue Galerie
Schöne Aussicht 1
34131 Kassel


 Kassel 2 neu


Open Air Concert "Iris Camaa and friends"

Open Air Concert in the courtyard of the Soshana Art Depot

Date: September 12th 2024 at 7pm

Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna


SCHEINY'S Concert at Soshana Art Depot

Date: 20.06.2024
Begin: 7.30pm
Donations welcome!

Since 2013 “Scheiny’s All Star Yiddish Revue”, presents a smorgasbord of Yiddish music. Deborah „Scheiny“ Gzesh and band, perform a repertoire ranging from traditional Yiddish songs, swing, contemporary klezmer, free jazz riffs and 50’s & 60’s shtick. Sounds from Belz to the Borscht Belt, Second Avenue, the Balkans and beyond.

Deborah “Scheiny“ Gzesh - Vocals
W.V. Wizlsperger - Bass
Paul Skrepek - Drums
Muamer Budimlić - Accordion
Thomas Berghammer - Trumpet

Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna


Art Performance at Soshana Art Depot
"7 Easy Tricks to manipulate your peeps in 40 minutes"

Date: January 20th, 2024 at 7pm

Admission free!

Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna

NL Bild



on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Herwig Zens - in cooperation with Sothebys Austria, Live-Auction

Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30
1030 Vienna


IMG 67334882


Literary Reading at the Soshana Art Depot

Date: 23.11.2023 at 6.00 pm

Erhard d'Aron reads from his latest novel "Bekenntnisse eines einfachen Landpfarrers"

Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna


Lecture by Malgorzata Oliwa
at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

honouris causa. History policies at (art) universities

Akademie 1

Topic of the lecture: "On honouring and forgetting - questions of iconography and ideology in critical research-based art education"

honouris causa. History policies at (art) universities
Tuesday, 7th November 2023, 9.30-19.30
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Meeting room, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna



Gallery Lendnine

Exhibition dates: 15.09.2023 - 17.12.2023

Gallery Lendnine
Lendkai 9
8020 Graz



End of Summer Party at the Soshana Art Depot
Iris Camaa & Gerald Gradwohl

Date: 14.09.2023 ab 7.00 pm

Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna


Exhibition at the Deutschvilla
"Zeit der Gaben"

Date: 18.08.2023 - 07.10.2023

Eva-Mazzucco Straße 7
5350 Strobl


Kleine Galerie
"Soshana- Meine Freiheit"- Soshana Solo Exhibition

Vernissage: 30.05.2023 at 7pm
Welcome speech: Mag.a Barbara Mithlinger, manager kleine galerie
To Soshanas work: introductory tex by Birgit Prunner, art historian;
                                 presented by Emma Keller
Opening speech: Ernst Woller, "Erster Präsident des Wiener Landtages"

Dates: 31.05.2023- 30.06.2023

Kleine Gallerie
Kundmanngasse 30
1030 Wien



Exhibition Kleine Galerie
"75 Jahre- 75 Bilder:
Jahresausstellung anlässlich des 75jährigen Bestehens der kleinen galerie"

Dates: 23.11.2022- 21.12.2022

 Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30
1030 Vienna



Ö1 radio contribution
"Ein Leben für das Reisen und Malen- die Künstlerin Soshana"

Date: 06.11.2022, 02.05pm- 3.00pm


JAM Gallery Lucerne
"Borderless Encounter- Soshana meets with Giacometti and Yanaihara"

Exhibition in the JAM Gallery Luzern

Vernissage: 27.10.2022 at 6pm
Exhibition daten: 27.10.2022- 26.11.2022
extendet until 31.12.2022 due to high public request

JAM Gallery- Joyn Art Management
Haldestraße 25
6006 Lucerne



Albertina Modern
"Ways of Freedom"- 
Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Joan Mitchell

Exhibition in the Albertina modern

Exhibiton dates: 15.10.2022- 22.01.2023

Albertina Modern
Karlsplatz 5
1010 Vienna


Soirée at the Soshana Art Depot

Date: 28.09.2022, 7pm- 9pm

Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Wien


Exhibition Legenstein Vienna

Exhibition Dates: 22.06.2022- 06.01.2023

Legenstein & Partner
1010 Vienna


Exhibition Schellinggasse
"Collective Memory- Awareness over generations"

Vernissage: 06.05.2022 at 6.00 pm
Presentation of the Soshana film "Everywhere alone. The painter Soshana.": 10.05.2022 at 6.00 pm
Finissage: 14.05.2022 at 6.00 pm
opening hours: Mo-Thu 3.00-7.00 pm und Fr-Sun 12.00 -9.00 pm

Never at Home
Schellinggasse 13
1010 Vienna

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"Frühlingserwachen- Wenn Farben formen

Exhibition dates: .06. May 2022 - 19. June 2022
Opening: 06. May

Eva Mazzucco Straße 7

5350 Strobl am Wolfgangsee


 poster deutschvilla page 0001


Palais Palffy
adHoc Exhibition

Exhibition dates: .18.12.21, 22.12.21, 27.12.21, 04.01.22, 05.01.22
opening hours: from 11am to 4pm

Palais Palffy
Josefsplatz 6
1010 Wien



"Everywhere alone- The painter Soshana"

TV- Documentation about the painter Soshana from Werner Müller, Ulrike Halmschlager and Amos Schueller. (Recording 3sat: 11.12.2016)



Open Air Concert
"Iris Camaa and friends"

Open Air concert in the courtyard of the Soshana Art Depot

September 9th, at 7pm

Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna


"Von Geburt und Tod"

Eva Mazzucco Straße 7

5350 Strobl am Wolfgangsee www.deutschvilla.at

August 20th 2021 - Ocotober 3rd 2021
Opening: August 20th at 8pm


Centro Giacometti

Fondazione Centro Giacometti
Casa Piz Duan 1
7605, Switzerland


July 3, 2021 – August 31, 2021

Vernissage: July 3, 2021 at 3 p.m.
guest: Jon Domenic Parolini, minister of culture of Graubünden



"Soshana Memories"

Deutschvilla Strobl 
Eva Mazzucco Straße 7
5350 Strobl am Wolfgangsee


Vernissage 26. Juni 2020, 20 Uhr
Opening speech: Director Ferdinand Götz

Open till October 17, 2020 



Amart Galerie – Austrian Modern Art
Halbgasse 17, 1070 Wien

Vernissage March 5, 2020, 6-9 p.m.

Open till June 13, 2020 (Extended!)



Amart Galerie – Austrian Modern Art
Halbgasse 17, 1070 Wien

Vernissage January 30, 2020, 7-9 p.m.

Open till February 29, 2020




Kleine Galerie – Annual Exhibition 2019

Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30, 1030 Wien

From November 27, 2019 at 7 p.m. until December 20, 2019

Opening speech by Mag.a Barbara Mithlinger

Opening Hours: Tues-Fri 11:00-7:00 p.m., Sat by appointment 



Shanghai Art Collection Museum
No. 1731 West Yan’an Road, Shanghai, China

From June 5, 2019 until June 26, 2019



Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
Bürglstein 1, 5360 St. Wolfgang im Salzkammergut

Vernissage April 25, 2019 at 7 p.m.


Nepal Art Now

Weltmuseum Wien, Heldenplatz,
1010 Wien

From April 10, 2019 at 7 p.m. until November 5. 2019



Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30, 1030 Wien

From January 23, 2019 at 7 p.m. until February 21. 2019

Opening speech by Ernst Woller


Soshana in Kitzbühel

Stadtgalerie Kitz-Art
Im Gries 21, 6370 Kitzbühel

From December 15, 2019 at 7 p.m. until January 15. 2019




Soshana in Kitzbühel

Stadtgalerie Kitz-Art
Im Gries 21, 6370 Kitzbühel

From December 15, 2018 until January 15, 2019


Screening of the movie "Everywhere Alone. The Painter Soshana."

Goetheinstitut Shanghai
101 Cross Tower, 318 Fu Zhou Lu, Shanghai 200001, VR China

September 27, 2018


Soshana in Barcelona

Galerie ART nou mil.lenni
Carrer del Consell de Cent, 277, 08011 Barcelona

From September 14 until September 20, 2018


Soshana: Unforgettable

Kaiserstraße 76, 1070 Wien

Vernisage August 28, 2018
Exhibtion is open until September 8, 2018


Soshana in Venice

Made in Art Gallery Venice
Campiello Lavadori De Lana, Santa Croce, 270D, 30135 Venezia VE

Vernissage May 19, 2018, 6 pm
Exhibition is open until June 23, 2018


Soshana. 60 Years of Colours.

Kunstraum Dr. David
Maurer Lange Gasse 47, 1230 Wien

Vernissage April 11, 2018, 6pm - 9pm; Opening speech by Otto Ressler
Exhibition is open until end of June 2018